

Building projects are exciting. They’re nothing less than taking a dream and transforming it into reality. However, there are a lot of steps between an idea and finished project and no matter how harmonious the process, obstacles are bound
to arise.

One common area of push-pull is between contractor and designer. No matter how skilled and experienced each is, because they work individually and are contracted separately, there’s bound to be misalignment from time to time. Even the smoothest projects experience unforeseen changes on the contractor side that affect the designer side, and vice versa. Bringing in a project on time and on budget is an undertaking that requires a fine balance. And the separation between contractor and designer can be a stressor that upsets that balance.


But what if there was a way for contractors and designers to work in tandem from concept to finished product?


Enter design-build.


What is Design-Build?

With design-build construction, everyone is on the same team, begins on the same page and collaborates right from the start. Under the design-build process, there are not separate contracts for contractor and designer, instead there is one design-build contract and a unified crew that works cooperatively to carry out plans, manage obstacles and solve problems. This spirit of cooperation can, in turn, drive innovation and inspiration and limit costly errors and lost time. There’s a reason that design-build is currently the fastest-growing and most-popular method of construction in the United States.

At Verity, even before we were an official design-build firm, we already lived by its principles of collaboration and its forward-thinking focus in order to meet—and exceed—the needs of our clients. Officially making the design-build process part of what we offer was an obvious and natural evolution.


Advantages of Design-Build


There are some definite benefits of design-build that make it an option well worth considering for your next build or construction project.


Teamwork: Collaboration is the obvious advantage of the design-build process. When the push-pull of the traditional separation between designer and contractor is eliminated, then it truly means that you and the design-build team are in it together. It clears the way for everyone to be on the same goal-oriented path, and when challenges arise, everyone drills down and finds solutions together.


Accountability: As the design-builder, Verity is responsible for the entire project, from start to finish. This includes initial design, total cost, timeline, finished product and everything in between. There’s no gap between the designer’s concept and the contractor’s execution, and as design tweaks need to be made, everyone is on the same page at all times. Using a design-build contractor also makes it easier for you to remain in the loop about all phases of the project. With just one point of contact, you always know who to turn to.


Consistency and Continuity: With a design-build project being in the same hands for its entire duration, and with clear communication and effective cooperation channels in place, your whole project becomes more effective and efficient. And with our crew acting as the through-line from conception to completion, the consistency of our work remains at the standard that has earned Verity its reputation for excellence. All of that adds up to a completed project that checks every box and hits every mark.


Transparency: At Verity, we pride ourselves on our open and honest communication, and design-build is a method that further encourages our transparent nature. With a design-build project, all costs are completely out in the open, the budget is decided early on and modified using the same spirit of cooperation that drives the entirety of the building process.


Time and Cost Savings: The potential to complete jobs sooner and on budget is one of the major advantages of design-build construction. Before shovel hits dirt, every design selection has been carefully considered and made, down to the cabinets, trim, countertops, flooring, etc., and supplies have been ordered, thus locking in price and ensuring availability of materials. You won’t have to worry that the countertops you love have risen dramatically in cost or are out of stock as sometimes happens with a traditional build. With designer and contractor operating in tandem during the build, the phases and stages of construction run more smoothly, all of the deadlines, from minor to major, are more likely to be met and all of the key stakeholders—including you—are on the same page when decisions need to be made or inevitable issues arise. Nimbleness and adaptability aren’t necessarily hallmarks of construction work, but they’re built into the
design-build process.


For Verity, design-build construction is a natural extension of who we are and what we do. Contact us today to see if a design-build solution will work for you.

General contractor samples - custom home builders in Southern Oregon
Two design build contractors in Medford, Oregon from Verity Construction standing on the roof of an in-progress design-build project
general contractor team constructing home in Medford, Oregon